Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

It wasn't much longer after God miraculously healed me that my family decided to move out of my aunt and uncle's house to Athens, Georgia.  It was here that my life took a beautiful turn.  I met many amazing friends (most of which I still have today) and established a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. My family moved into a beautiful house and me and my siblings attended several schools throughout the area.

It was my experience at Westminster Christian Academy that allowed me to search my heart and decide what I believed about God for myself (and not just what my mom and dad had taught me).  For the first three years at Westminster, many kids teased me for being different.  Not physically different, but spiritually different.  During chapel, I would lift my hands to a worship song or take a stand for the other kids that got picked on at school.  It was these things, and many others that made me a target for people's relentless taunts.  I believe I cried every day for months. I begged my parents to put me in a new school, where kids would treat me kindly and I could "fit in," knowing deep down that I was not created to merely "fit in."  After many attempts, my parents finally agreed to let me transfer to public school. It was in this time frame that many struggles and Dates With Destiny occurred.

It was during my two years at public school that I decided to succumb to peer pressure and use marijuana recreationally and drink underage.  I think that it probably felt good just to "fit in" and for people to appreciate who I was as an individual.  I often felt convicted about my behavior, but was convinced that I could stop at any point in time.  I knew God was pursuing me the entire time and wanted my whole heart, but I continued to do my best to camouflage myself and run away from the whole "Christian" thing (I had told God that if Christians were like those kids at Westminster who had teased me for years, then I didn't want to be one). God didn't seem to be worried about that because He continued to pursue me.

Although I chose to live my own way, I prayed that God would not tell my mom (God tends to show her things) because I did not want to disappoint her.  I told God that I would get my life together if He gave me the chance and left her out of it.  For many months, I had the opportunity to make things right in my life, but I didn't.

One evening I was invited to a party with a couple of my friends.  I asked my mom and dad if I could hang out with some of my friends that evening.  For some reason (a reason I didn't know at the time), my dad told me that he had talked to mom and they felt like I should stay in, so the answer was "no."  I was really angry that my friends were all going to be together and I had to miss out, but I withdrew from the conversation, in order to avoid an argument, and figured it must be for the best.

The next morning, my mom informed me that my friend's dad had called looking for her.  I did not know where she was because I had not been allowed to go out.  He said that he was calling because the cops had busted the party we had planned to attend and charged several people with underage drinking (he was afraid his daughter had been one of them).  Needless to say, I knew that I might also have been a part of that category if I had been able to attend the party.

My mom entered my room after the telephone call and ask me if I knew that God cared about me.  I nodded my head and began to cry.  She then began telling me about her grocery store encounter the previous night.

"I didn't tell you, Hillary, but the weirdest thing happened to me yesterday in the grocery store.  I was standing in line getting ready to check out when I heard your voice call out 'Mom!' I looked around, but did not see you anywhere.  It happened once more, and I still did not see you, so I began to pray for you. It was then that your dad called me to talk to me about whether or not we should let you go out with your friends.  I just didn't feel peace about it, especially after my encounter in the grocery store, so I told him that you should probably stay in.  Just think about that Hillary, if you had gone out, you might have been one of those individuals charged with underage drinking, and it really could have hurt your future.  God must really care about your life and your future. He stopped me in the grocery store just to prove it."

I sat on my bed crying (my parents were still unaware of other stuff I had done).  When my mom left the room, I told God how sorry I was and thanked him for caring for me so deeply.  It wasn't long after this incident that my parents discovered all the poor choices I had been making.

My mom cried as she told me how angry she was at God for not warning her about the choices I had made.  She said that she finally asked God why he hadn't told her sooner.  She said (not knowing what I had prayed months earlier) that the Holy Spirit had told her it was because I had asked him not to because I wanted the chance to get my life together on my own.  I was shocked because that was exactly what I had prayed several months earlier.

It was in that moment, that I turned my heart fully back over to God.  I had asked for the time to repent and change on my own and He had given it to me, only because He loved me.  Even when I had abused his love and grace, God had still given me a chance to follow Him.  It was in that moment, that I knew God had many more Dates With Destiny planned for me.  He showed me that He wouldn't even allow ME, in my own sin, to separate myself from Him and His divine plan for my life.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

"By HIS wounds we ARE healed." Isaiah 53:5

So, by this time you are probably wondering, what event happened next??

Well, this next story has to do with how God used my mom to bring ME face-to-face with another "Date With Destiny."

It was not long after we had moved into my aunt and uncle's house in Georgia that things got hectic;  four parents and six children were constantly running around the house tending to their own needs.  Several of us shared bedrooms, and bathrooms, and well, our whole living space. Every day held some sort of new chaos, but chaos was something that became quite normal to us.

This particular day started off like any other day, but ended with me bed-stricken, unsure if I would even live to see another day.  My family did not have health insurance or a lot of money at the time, so paying several thousand dollars to go to an emergency room was not really an option.

What the cause of my illness was, still to this day I am not sure, but I knew that I needed a miracle, and I needed one fast.  I lay sick in bed for days on end, not able to eat or drink (anything but water).  I could not even get out of bed.  I remember crying to my mom because I was so scared that my fever would not break.  My temperature continued to rise and I was not getting any better. I was literally knocking on death's door (and I'm sure that I looked like death too).

It was about this time that my mom had enough.  She saw how fragile I was and knew that the only thing left to do was to call on the one person she knew could do a miracle: God (the Ultimate Physician).  I wept as she began to pray for me.  She prayed for what seemed like an eternity, and quoted multiple Scriptures over me.  About an hour into her prayer, she was led to sing songs over me (my mom has an incredible voice and singing has always been one of the ways God uses her).  At one point she began to sing, "There's Power in the Blood," and "Oh, the Blood of Jesus" and the craziest noise (like that of a train's whistle or howl of some kind) followed the ending of her songs.

What happened next, I cannot even begin to describe in words, but will do my best to capture.  I remember that a "shaking feeling" started in my gut and soon spread throughout my whole body.  Within seconds, my entire being was trembling. I began weeping uncontrollably, and instantly, I felt something happen inside of me.  The fever that had gripped me mercilessly was now gone.  I felt a coolness return to my body that I had not experienced in days. The only words that I could muster in that powerful moment were, "Mom, I don't feel it anymore. God healed me, Mom." My mom embraced me and began to weep also.

Soon after, I was up walking around and spending time with my family (something that I had not done in days and thought, at one point, that I might not be able to do again).  I began to look at each day as a miracle, a gift from God, in and of itself.  That day changed my life.  Although it looked like the end, it was just the beginning, the beginning of a second chance, a chance to embrace God's plan and His divine destiny for my life.

Monday, December 17, 2012

"He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise..." I Corinthians 1:27

My second "Date with Destiny" came about four years later.  I was nine years old at the time.  After living in Texas for many years, my parents had decided that God was calling them to move to Georgia.  At first, I was crushed by this news.  I knew that I was going to have to leave all my friends and family behind to start a new life. I was not excited about living in a new town, going to a new school, and meeting all new people.  After saying goodbye and crying many tears, we loaded up the moving truck and drove across the country.  

To say that we were thrilled when we arrived in Georgia is probably an understatement.  We were not necessarily thrilled by the idea of our move, but by the idea of getting out of the car and moving around after about 20 hours.  If you ever want to make a place feel like home to your kids, stick them in a car for countless hours. Trust me, they will be thrilled to arrive at the given destination!

Anyways, for the first three months (while looking for all the many things you look for when moving to a new place) we lived with my uncle Jeff and aunt Bonnie.  How we fit 10 people in a three bedroom house is still baffling to me, but somehow we made it work.  One of the first things we did when we arrived was look for a church to attend.  Personally, I thought it was good way to get out of the house to get some space.

After some research of churches in the area, my parents decided on a small "home church" for the upcoming Sunday.  Little did we know, God had big plans for us at such a small church.  That Sunday when we arrived at our chosen church, we discovered that we were the only Caucasian family present (these are the things that I find quite exciting in life).  We all hurried to our seats as the praise and worship music started.

After a couple songs, I remember a still, small voice speaking to me. "Tell that lady her baby is going to be okay."  I found myself gazing at a beautiful, tall, black woman who looked anything but pregnant (with no children around her).  I laughed to myself, thinking how crazy that "thought" had been.  Once again, I heard the same voice, "Tell that lady her baby is going to be okay."  By this time, I thought I might be a little nutty, but thought it might be God speaking to my heart.  I whispered quietly back to what I thought might be God, "God, if it's you speaking to me about that woman, I pray you would give me an opportunity to tell her because I definitely don't want to interrupt the service." 

To my surprise, the pastor got up from his seat immediately and walked towards the front of the room (while the worship pastor was in the middle of a song).  He ushered the music to stop and spoke these words, "I feel like the Holy Spirit is speaking to someone's heart. If you feel like God wants you to share something with someone, I want you to have the opportunity to do it now."  I was utterly shocked, but knew what I must do.

I slowly lifted my hand, as all eyes shifted towards me. I stammered as I looked at the woman and spoke, "I...I....I feel like I'm supposed to tell you that you're baby is going to be alright." Immediately the woman started weeping.  After what seemed like hours, she gathered herself and spoke, "Recently I found out that I am pregnant.  I haven't told anyone because I've been taking this medication because I've been very sick and there aren't any other options. One of the side effects is that it could kill the baby.  I've been praying about it a lot and now I know that everything will be okay."

We all stood there in amazement, speechless.  

I wish I could sit here and write that I knew those words would make an incredible impact on that woman, but to be honest, I didn't. I didn't know her situation, but God did.  He just chose to be gracious enough to use me.  He chose to use a nine-year-old girl to speak His word to someone, to let that woman know how much he cared about her and that baby.  

When God speaks, it may seem crazy or foolish to some, but allow him to use you-you will always be humbled and forever greatful that you chose to obey.  God delights in quick obedience.  This was just my second of many "Dates With Destiny" and a very compassionate God.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young..." 1 Timothy 4:12

My first recollection of a "Date With Destiny"-

At the age of 5, I was young and vibrant.  I lived with my parents and two siblings (an older brother and younger sister) in Round Rock, Texas in a small neighborhood.  We attended a church called "First Family," which was pastored by Mickey and Marianne Patterson.  My family was dedicated to attending church almost every Wednesday night and Sunday morning (and many days in between).  We made many friends (many that we are still friends with today), and built many memories while being a part of this church.  I don't quite remember all the details of everything at that age and time (because it was so long ago), but I remember one particular Sunday morning service like it was yesterday.

The pastor was preaching about God's healing power and and how God was still able and willing to heal people in our day and time.  At the end of the service, he gave an altar call for those who needed healing in some way.  I remember watching several people go forward; but one lady who went forward (Mrs. Hailey) caught my attention.  To this day, I don't know why, but I decided to get up and walk down the aisle to pray for her.  I remember laying my small hand on her back.

I don't remember exactly what I prayed, but I do remember that in some simple way I asked God to heal her.  I remember saying something like, "God, I know you care about what hurts us...." After my short, simple prayer I went back to my seat near my mom and dad.  After service was over, we all went home and continued on with our day.

Shortly thereafter, (I'm not sure if it was the same day or the next day-my mom probably knows better than I do) my mom received a call from Mrs. Hailey.  I remember my mom calling me over to her after she hung up the phone.  She described (as simply as she could) what Mrs. Hailey had just shared with her over the phone. 

She informed my mom that for YEARS she had dealt with excruciating back pain, until that past Sunday; the Sunday that I had prayed for her.  She described feeling a small hand on her lower back (which was mine) and she felt a warm, electric feeling go up her spine.  With tears, she told my mom that at that moment (and every moment after) she hadn't felt any more pain in her back; God had miraculously healed her.

At the time, I was so amazed.  I remember feeling (even at age 5) that God had an incredible plan for my life. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of many more "Dates with Destiny."

Let's get to know each other.

Hi, my name is Hillary Vance. Some of you may know me (or know things about me) and some of you may not.  So, I want to take the time to tell you a little about myself, and why I decided to start this blog.  

So where should I start? I guess from the beginning. 

I was born and raised in Austin, Texas (until about age 9). I grew up with two siblings and two loving parents.  I had several close friends and lived in quaint little neighborhoods.  In that day and time (when things were more safe), I rode my bike to school with my older brother and played with my friends in the neighborhood.  I had no worry in the world.

At age 9, my family decided to migrate across the United States to Athens, Georgia (where I lived until I graduated high school and decided to go to college).  My parents felt that they should start a church, and for several years, I was dubbed a "pastor's kid."  I went to several good schools and made many friends in our new location. There were a couple years in high school that I spent finding out who I was and experimenting with underage drinking and recreational marijuana.  That phase faded shortly thereafter, and before I knew it, I was graduating and applying to go to college.

After four, long years in college I graduated with a bachelor's in psychology and decided to continue my education. I continued on, and two years later, I graduated with my master's in social work.  I fell in love with an incredible man over that time and we decided to get married.

Pretty standard young adult life, right? Wrong. My life has been anything but normal, which is exactly why I decided to start this blog. 

I believe that God will take you to interesting places in life and do crazy things in you and through you if you let Him. I like to think of many of the events in my life as "dates with destiny," which is exactly why I've named my blog just that. Long ago, I felt like I should write down the extraordinary events in my life, but it wasn't until recently that I made up my mind and disciplined myself to do so. 

So here I am and here it goes.  In my coming blogs you will read about a few of my "dates with destiny" and an incredible God who has given me tremendous favor and done remarkable things in my life.  I will continue to write this blog as my life and "these dates" continue to unfold.

I hope that each and every one of you that reads this will not only be touched in a special way, but will also know that, you too, can live an extraordinary life; a life filled with purpose and meaning; a life in which you come to know that you are unique and no one else can touch the world the way that you can; a life that is filled with miracles and God-ordained moments of greatness; a life that changes the world one by one.